Engraving Services
Engraving – The Mifflinburg Variety Store offers personalized products with engraving. We engrave a wide range of items that can be customized for unique gifts or business promotional purposes such as mugs and thermoses, clocks, knives, wooden rolling pins and just about anything with wood, plaques, pens, tools, and much more. You can have a variety of drinking mugs engraved, thermoses engraved, knives engraved, plates engraved, jewelry engraved, plaques engraved all to your specifications.
Popular Items For Engraving
Hunting and Fishing Licenses Sold Here
Looking for a place where you can find a fishing license near you, or a hunting license near you? You can get the latest Pennsylvania Fishing License at the Mifflinburg Variety Store. You can also get your Pennsylvania hunting license at the Mifflinburg Variety Store too.